Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Calving of a Glacier

Short Video on Calving!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pictures of some Glacial Features

Here are some pictures and diagrams that show features create by glaciers:

Moraine diagram

Terminal Moraine

Terminal Moraine (notice the fan shape)

Lateral and Terminal Moraine

Esker in the making!



Drumlin Field (aerial photo taken in Canada)

Drumlin (these folks decided to build their village on a drumlin!)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Weathering and Erosion Video Clips

Students in Mr. Guidetti's eighth grade science classes watched this video and completed two worksheets on Tuesday 11-29-11. Watch them in order first and review any section you wish at any time!


Physical Weathering

Chemical Weathering


The Ice Ages

Mass Wasting


Human's Effect


Monday, May 9, 2011

Periodic Tables of Elements

The following links will take you to several different Periodic Tables that show the same information but in different ways. Some include extra details about the elements and others have pictures of samples.

Periodic Table we are using in class.
Click on the elements to open a new page with facts about the element.

Periodic Table with pictures.

Periodic Table with information in different spots (use example to help you if needed).

Monday, April 11, 2011

Apple Mummy Data Form

Please click on the title above or here to link to the form to enter your data.